
Simple SummaryIn many equestrian disciplines, circular exercise is utilized to train, exercise, and compete with horses and can vary in gait, as well as diameter. This study aimed to determine if circular exercise diameter impacts animal health. Calves have previously been used as a terminal skeletal model of juvenile horses, allowing for the collection of musculoskeletal samples that are not acceptable from horses. Calves exercised on a small circle (12-m clockwise), large circle (18-m clockwise), treadmill, or served as non-exercised controls. Exercise was performed at a walking speed, starting at 5 min per day and increasing 5 min weekly until reaching 30 min per day during the 7-week study. The response to exercise was monitored in the forelimb bones and joints. The small circular exercise group was found to have bone diameters that differed between the right and left fused third and fourth metacarpi, and between lateral and medial proximal phalanx bones. Cartilage glycosaminoglycan content was greater in the outside leg of the small circle exercise calves than the inside leg, with no differences noted within other treatments. These differences suggest that altering circular exercise diameter can impact bone and joint health, and that larger diameter circles may prevent asymmetric loading between inside and outside legs.Circular exercise is used in many equestrian disciplines and this study aimed to determine if circle diameter impacts juvenile animal forelimb bone and joint health. On day 0, 24 calves at 9 weeks of age were assigned the following exercise treatments: small circle (12 m clockwise), large circle (18-m clockwise), treadmill, or non-exercised control. Exercise was initiated at 1.1–1.5 m/s for 5 min/d and increased 5 min weekly until reaching 30 min/d. On day 49, synovial fluid was collected from multiple joints, cartilage was collected from the proximal surface of fused third and fourth metacarpi (MC III and IV), and forelimbs underwent computed tomography scans. A statistical analysis (PROC mixed) was performed in SAS 9.4. The inside leg of the small circle treatment had a larger MC III and IV dorsopalmar external diameter than the outside (p = 0.05). The medial proximal phalanx had a greater mediolateral diameter than the lateral proximal phalanx of the small circle treatment (p = 0.01). Fetlock nitric oxide was greater in the large circle and treadmill treatments (p < 0.0001). Cartilage glycosaminoglycan concentration was greater in the outside leg of the small circle exercise treatment than the inside leg (p = 0.03). Even at slow speeds, circular exercise diameter can impact joint and bone health, but faster speeds may have greater alterations.

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