
Intrinsic atrioventricular (AV) conduction is used to optimize AV intervals with cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in most device algorithms. Atrial pacing and heart rate affect conduction times, but little is known regarding differeces among chronotropic incompetent(CI) and competent(CC) patients to guide programming. RAVE was a multicenter prospective trial of CRT patients. Heart rate was increased with incremental atrial pacing and with submaximal exercise. According to the maximal heart rate achieved during exercise, patients were classified as either CI or CC. For CI patients, an additional symptom-limited exercise with rate-adaptive pacing activated was performed. Intracardiac intervals were measured from the implantable lead electrograms in multiple postures. There were 12 subjects with CI and 24 with CC. With atrial pacing, AV interval immediately increased and gradually increased with incremental atrial pacing in all patients. However, the changes in the atrial to right ventricular (ARV) and atrial to left ventricular (ALV) intervals with increasing atrial pacing rates were about threefold greater in CI patients compared to CC patients (24.3 ± 28.9 vs. 7.2 ± 5.5ms/10bpm for ARV and 22.7 ± 25.6 vs. 7.1 ± 5.7ms/10bpm for ALV in the standing position, p < 0.05). In CI pacing with rate-adaptive pacing during exercise, AV interval changes with paced heart rate were variable. The AV response to overdrive atrial pacing at rest may provide a simple means of identifying chronotropic competence in CRT patients. For patients with CI, who often require rate-adaptive atrial pacing, rate-adaptive AV algorithms should be adjusted individually.

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