
AbstractWe assess the impact of GPS precipitable water vapor (GPS-PWV) data assimilation (DA) on short-range North American monsoon (NAM) precipitation forecasts, across 38 days with weak synoptic forcing, during the NAM GPS Hydrometeorological Network field campaign in 2017 over northwest Mexico. Utilizing an ensemble-based data assimilation technique, the GPS-PWV data retrieved from 18 observation sites are assimilated every hour for 12 hours into a 30-member ensemble convective-permitting (2.5 km) Advanced Research version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) model. As the assimilation of the GPS-PWV improves the initial condition of WRF by reducing the root mean square error and bias of PWV across 1200-1800 UTC, this also leads to an improvement in capturing nocturnal convection of mesoscale convective systems (MCSs; after 0300 UTC) and to an increase by 0.1 mm h-1 in subsequent precipitation during the 0300-0600 UTC period relative to no assimilation of the GPS-PWV (NODA) over the area with relatively more observation sites. This response is consistent with observed precipitation from the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement Final Precipitation product. Moreover, compared to the NODA, we find that the GPS-PWV DA decreases cloud top temperature, increases most unstable convective available energy and surface dewpoint temperature, and thus creates a more favorable condition for convective organization in the region.

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