
Abstract Burn is a horrible accident that may occur to anyone. Burns result in severe psychological and emotional distress leading to severe depression. The study aim to determine impact of antidepressant drugs on the physical and psychological status of the hospitalized burned patient. Methods: The study was conducted in the burn unit at Assiut university hospital. Study design: The sample including sixty adult patients divided into study and control groups ,all nurses who were work with those patients in both groups in selected area. Beck Depression scale was applied to evaluate depression level of the patients in both groups, antidepressant drugs are given to study group for six weeks consecutively. Results: The majority of 66.7% their age less than 25 years old, 63.3% were females, 86.7% flame burn, 93.3% accidental burn, 70.0% from both groups were suffering from severe depression on admission, the improvement of depression started within the first week .conclusion: Antidepressant drugs improves depression levels, patient cooperation and nurse satisfaction in burn unit. Recommendations: This study highlights the importance management of depression in burn patients by antidepressant drug after the third day from admission. Nurses who work in burn unit need special attention to reduce Professional nursing burnout.

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