
For the Russian Federation, pea is a traditional cultivated agricultural crop, demanded both in the food industry for its excellent taste and in livestock for a high content of forage units and balanced protein (up to 90% of the protein are of easily soluble albumin and globulins), which contribute to lower costs for animal feeding. The current paper has presented the working results of the laboratory of row crop cultivation technology (FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”) for 2015–2016, which studied the impact of growth stimulants (“Etikhol”, “Gumistim”), bioorganic fertilizers “Intermag Profi”, and biological product “Rizotorfin” on the productivity of the middle-ripening pea variety “Aksaysky usaty 7”. The soil of the experimental plot is favorable for peas growing, as the humus content in the arable layer is 3.36%, pH is 7.0, P2 O5 is 24.4; K2 O is 360 mg per one kg of soil. The studied preparations had an impact on the elements of the yield structure and grain productivity. Productivity has significantly improved due to application of most fertilizers. The largest productivity increase on 0.57 t/ha or 26.4% to the control was observed with the use of “Intermag Profi”. This experiment had also better energetic and economic indicators compared to other variants. The increase of net energy income compared to control was 9.48 GJ/ha, the decrease in energy intensity was on 1.14 GJ/t, the increase of energetic efficiency was on 0.59 units. The increase of net income was on 6507 rubles/ha, the cost of production reduced on 1232 rubles/ton and profitability increased on 27%.


  • Для Российской Федерации горох посевной является традиционной возделываемой сельскохозяйственной культурой, востребованной как в пищевой промышленности за свои прекрасные вкусовые качества, так и в животноводстве за высокое содержание кормовых единиц и сбалансированного белка, способствующих снижению затрат на кормление животных

  • For the Russian Federation, pea is a traditional cultivated agricultural crop, demanded both in the food industry for its excellent taste and in livestock for a high content of forage units and balanced protein, which contribute to lower costs for animal feeding

  • The current paper has presented the working results of the laboratory of row crop cultivation technology (FSBSI “Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”) for 2015–2016, which studied the impact of growth stimulants (“Etikhol”, “Gumistim”), bioorganic fertilizers “Intermag Profi”, and biological product “Rizotorfin” on the productivity of the middle-ripening pea variety “Aksaysky usaty 7”

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For the Russian Federation, pea is a traditional cultivated agricultural crop, demanded both in the food industry for its excellent taste and in livestock for a high content of forage units and balanced protein (up to 90% of the protein are of soluble albumin and globulins), which contribute to lower costs for animal feeding. The largest productivity increase on 0.57 t/ha or 26.4% to the control was observed with the use of “Intermag Profi” This experiment had better energetic and economic indicators compared to other variants. Однако урожайность зерна гороха в Ростовской об­ласти, в силу неустойчивости увлажнения за вегетационный период, сильно изменяется по годам. Используемые в опытах: Интермаг Профи Стручковые и Бобовые – легкоусваиваемое удобрение для листовой подкормки бобовых растений – зернобобовых (горох, соя и др.). Гидротермический коэффициент (по Селянинову) за вегетационный период гороха в годы исследований был выше 1. 2. Среднесуточная температура воздуха в вегетационный период возделывания гороха (2015–2016 гг.) Fig. 2. Максимальная масса зерна с растения отмечалась при обработке Интермаг Профи Стручковые и Бобовые, где превышение к контролю составляло 0,97 г. Погодные условия в годы исследований благоприятствовали росту и развитию растений гороха, что отразилось на урожайности зерна Г бобов на ± к кон­ семян ± к кон­ семян ± к кон­ зерна ± к кон­ 1000 ± к кон­ растение тролю в бобе тролю с рас­тения тролю с растения тролю зерен тролю

Интермаг Профи Стручковые и Бобовые
Интермаг Профи
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