
Background: Infertility is defined as failure to be pregnant after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. This condition affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is not only a personal problem, causing stress and anxiety amongst individuals and couples, but it has become a community issue. One in every 6 couples will experience infertility in their lifetime. It is affecting both male and female reproductive systems, with causes ranging from hormonal imbalances to obstructive disorders. Despite its prevalence, fertility care is unequal and, for those in low and middle-income countries, virtually non-existent and a long overdue topic for global attention and action. Method: We followed a systematic approach to select articles related to recent developments in female fertility and reproductive medicine. Keywords such as “female fertility” and “advanced reproductive medicine” were used for getting targeted articles. We used only peer-reviewed articles published from 2019 to 2024. Only high-quality data was extracted for general public information. Result: Our findings show that Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), microfluidic devices, and innovations like CoQ10 therapies have significantly improved fertility treatment outcomes. AI-driven personalized medicine has enhanced accessibility and effectiveness, democratizing fertility care. Stem cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma techniques are another breakthrough in reproductive medicine. Conclusion: It is concluded that medical advancements have revolutionized reproductive medicine. There is now a ray of new hope for those couple who are experiencing infertility. The future promises further improvements in success rates and patient experience with continued progress.

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