
ABSTRACT Formally launched in 1996, the Global Initiative (GI) is an umbrella programme under which International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) are working together to encourage/facilitate the development and implementation of contingency plans and increase ratification of related international conventions. Other organizations also participate in and support the GI, including Governments, the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds, various regional bodies and local oil industry. IMO, a specialized agency of the United Nations, works closely with member State Governments and the international shipping regulatory community to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to protect the marine environment from shipping-related sources of pollution. GI has been active since 1996 and its achievements are encouraging; countries have made significant progress in both elaboration and further development of national response systems and strategies. GI also assists in efficiently targeting donor agency funds and in leveraging such funds. It is important to recognise that the GI is a long-term process.

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