
Introduction. It is known that interferon is a cytokine and is a substantial part of the immune system necessary for antigenic challenge immune response full expression. Also it is considered that every antigen is an interferon inducer. Interferon induces antivirus response via binding to specific receptors, this receptors can be revealed straight on cell membranes of immune cells. Research objective. To evaluate the interferon inducer ability of some Influenza A virus strains upon indications of receptors functional activity (capacity) to alpha and gamma interferons on peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PBMC) induced in vitro by different Influenza A virus strains. Material and methods. The method is based on lymphocytes separation from the venous heparinized blood, with followed by in vitro lymphocytes inducing at temperature 36.5°С in the presence of 5% CO2. Blood samples were taken in different time intervals, labelled by mouse anti-idiotipyc FITCconjugated antibodies, structurally simulated human alpha and gamma interferon, samples were fixed with paraformaldehyde. Interferon receptors expression were performed by flow cytometer. Results. The in vitro experiments have determined the interferon-inducing ability of three influenza virus strains: A/PR8/34 (H1N1), A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2) and A/ Ryazan/6103/87 (H3N2). MPBC blood sample (blood group was 0, Rh factor – positive) was induced by irradiated noninfectious allantoic fluid with hemagglutinating activity. Expression of alpha and gamma interferon receptors (alpha and gamma IFNR) on MPBC was determined by IFNR markers labelled with FITC and it (expression) was estimated by flow cytometer. In parallel we compared expression of alpha and gamma IFNR on MPBC in primed and non primed cells by low doses of human alpha interferon. It was found that expression of alpha and gamma IFNR on MPBC, induced influenza A/ PR8/34 (H1N1) antigen, with high hemagglutinating activity was higher in primed MPBC in comparison with non primed and higher then expression was induced by influenza virus A/Krasnodar/101/59 (H2N2) and A/Ryazan/6103/87 (H3N2) with lower hemagglutinating activity. It should be noted that IFN alpha receptor (IFNAR) expression on induced by influenza virus strain A/PR8/34 (H1N1) and primed by low doses of alpha interferon, repose on high level from induction point (1 hour) and protract during high level during 5 hours. Evaluation of gamma IFNR (IFNGR) expression level on MPBC induced by different influenza virus strains testify that firstly up-regulation IFNGR expression on MPBC primed by low doses of alpha interferon is absent and secondly up-regulation IFNGR on MPBC bear no relation with hemagglutinating activity of Influenza virus antigen. Conclusion. Experiment results clearly suggest that all influenza strains used carry the interferon induced ability which is possible to see by expression of IFNAR and IFNGR on MPBC induced by described above virus antigens. Rate of interferon induce ability in different influenza virus A connected on one side with virus hemagglutinating activity level in estimating IFNAR and on the other side with virus strains in estimating IFNGR.


  • It is known that interferon is a cytokine and is a substantial part of the immune system necessary for antigenic challenge immune response full expression

  • В таблице 1 представлены результаты исследования инфекционной и гемагглютинирующей активности вирусов гриппа А с инфицированных клеток MDCK до и после облучения

  • Мечникова РАМН, Москва, Россия; Никулина В.Г., к.м.н., доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории гибридных клеточных культур отдела вирусологии ФГБНУ НИИВС им

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Оценить интерфероногенность некоторых серотипов вирусов гриппа А по показателям функциональной активности αи γ-интерфероновых рецепторов (IFNAR и IFNGR) на мононуклеарных клетках периферической крови человека (МКПК), индуцированных in vitro вирусами гриппа А различных серотипов. Паралельно сравнивали экспрессию IFNAR и IFNGR на МПК, праймированных и непраймированных малыми дозами IFNα человека. Необходимо отметить, что экспрессия IFNAR на МПК, индуцированных антигеном вируса гриппа А/PR8/34 (Н1N1) и праймированных малыми дозами IFNα, держалась на высоком уровне, начиная с 1 часа с момента индукции антигеном и продолжалась на высоких цифрах в течение 5 часов. Анализ уровня экспрессии IFNGR на МПК, индуцированных антигенами вируса гриппа А различных серотипов показал, что, во-первых, усиление экспрессии IFNGR на МПК, праймированных низкими дозами IFNα не происходило. Библиографическое описание: Лисаков А.Н., Нагиева Ф.Г., Баркова Е.П., Гайдерова Л.А., Федотов А.Ю., Никулина В.Г., Гаврилова М.В.

Инфекция и иммунитет
Исследование интерфероновых рецепторов
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Инфекционная активность в lg ИФ**
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