
Onset of the imminent paradigm shift to the 3rd regime of Natural Science (Classical, Quantum, Unified Field) will sustain an explosion in technological innovation. Chief among these innovations will be the appearance of room temperature table-top Bulk Universal Quantum Computing (UQC) – a fundamental key element in producing Sentient Androids (SA). Controversy will occur around the meaning of Android, the nature of Sentience, what it means to pass the Turing Test, and if passing the Turing Test is a satisfactory demonstration of Sentience indistinguishable from a human. It is proposed that two classes of SA will be developed: 1) the Cognitive Science model of AI where passing the Turing Test will be deemed sufficient and 2) a Cartesian Dualism model requiring a life principle for sentience – where the brain is a form of naturally occurring conscious quantum computer.

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