
With its small numbers of foreign immigrants, originating from both EU and non-EU countries, Sardinia seems to remain a rather distinct and lonely destination compared to the major immigration flows in the Italian peninsula and the other major Italian island, Sicily. High unemployment, especially among the young, which has resulted in persistent labour emigration, is of course the main reason why this region attracts few immigrants, even if they occupy jobs refused by the natives. Moreover, turnover of the foreign population is high with major inflows of seasonal workers employed in the tourist trade. There are also few jobs in agriculture, a sector which by contrast attracts large numbers of foreign workers in southern Italy. Therefore, among the reasons declared in their applications for temporary residence, work ranks lower than in the rest of Italy, family and residence rating higher. A distinctive feature in Sardinia is the large number of foreign workers in the pedlar trade of non-food goods. On the whole, the island does not exhibit the characteristics of a border region, in spite of its connections by boat with two foreign countries (direct with Corsica and indirect with Tunisia, via Trapani) and of its extension towards Africa, but it looks more as it were both a second destination region for people coming from the mainland and a first destination following the common immigration chains. It is undeniably a transit region, soon to be abandoned for more promising lands.


  • 19th century that operates once a week

  • 27 The majority of residence permits granted to foreigners in Sardinia are for family reasons, much more than the national average

  • 54 Sardinia is already experiencing a demographic problem, namely the ageing of its population described by Frau and Gatti as “alarming”

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19th century that operates once a week (fig.). Recently small inflows of immigrants, coming from France, have been observed to arrive via this route. Moroccans head the list (1,899 in 2001, 1,886 end 2002) followed by the Senegalese (1,554 in 2001, 1,237 end 2002) These two nationalities alone account for 30.6% of the total number of residence permit holders. 17 Of the foreign residents, the Chinese presence has registered the highest increase, especially in the urban areas They have taken over a large number of shops in the city centre of Cagliari, which had succumbed to the competition of the large department stores. 20 it is to be hoped that the population of the conurbation and of the metropolitan area of Cagliari will not increase further, but, on the other hand, that equilibrium will be restored with the remainder of the province and of the island This is desirable for a number of reasons ranging from containing the urban sprawl to stemming the depopulation of the interior. At least half of Sardinia’s foreign residents live in the major urban areas

22 For the most part they live in the cities
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