
The original description of Ixodes tatei was given by Arthur (1959) and based on three females taken from a rock partridge of unknown species and from a fox (Vulpes sp. ?) in Jarmo, Chemchemal Valley, Kirkuk (type locality) and the Zagros Mountains, Erbil, both in north-eastern Iraq. The material, on which the following account is based, consisted of two females, one gorged nymph, one slightly fed nymph and two fully gorged larvae. They were collected from the head of Alectoris graeca, which was shot about 20 km south of Jerusalem on 17 December 1966 and sent to me by Professor O. Theodor of the Hebrew University. One female, one nymph and one larva have been deposited in the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, and one female, one nymph and one larva are retained in my collection. The holotype female is deposited in the Chicago Natural History Museum, Cat. no. 84472.

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