
The modern structure of the world security market and peculiarities of domestic market development are investigated. The stock market imbalance was identified and clearly demonstrated. Imbalances in the development of securities markets in different regions of the world are manifested, both in market capitalization and in transaction volumes, in the nature of transactions, in the variety of financial instruments, etc. The assessment of the structure of the world market made it possible to identify regional peculiarities of the stock markets. Current trends in the development of leading stock exchanges are analyzed. There is a tendency to increase operations with financial derivatives and increase the value of international transactions The dynamics and structure of the Ukrainian stock market have been analyzed and a number of its features have been identified: insignificant volumes of securities transactions, predominance of government debt securities in the market structure, insignificant use of derivatives both for hedging and for speculative purposes. The problem of exit and stay of Ukrainian issuers and traders on international stock exchanges is investigated. It is a complicated listing process, requires significant investment and high standards. The signs of disproportionality and imbalance of world and domestic stock markets, which have different origin and causes, are revealed.

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