
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Alien / Another / Different images in the cultural space of the Tatar ASSR in the 1930s - 1970s. Based on the archival documents, oral history materials and the example of the multinational region, the author considered intercultural communication and the problems of perception of another / different culture. Much attention is paid to the study of the socio-cultural space of Tatarstan villages.
 The analyzed material made it possible to find out how the inhabitants of the village and the city perceived the image of the Alien who was once believed to be an Alien in the rural world. The study also revealed how the perception of the Alien had been transformed during the pre-war, military and post-war periods as well as whether there is a difference in the perception of the Alien on the part of locals and newcomers.
 As a result of the research, the images of the Alien were created through the characteristics of alimentary qualities through clothing and appearance, as well as behavioral aspects.
 The author came to conclusion that the image of the Alien was more often formed as general knowledge about the social, spiritual and material culture of representatives of various people living nearby. In intercultural communication, which often took a form of a dialogue, the formula was “ours – another”, not “ours - alien’s”. According to the author, the experience of long-term residence of the people, inhabiting the Tatar ASSR, had a positive impact on the dialogue and interpenetration of cultures.


  • The article is devoted to the analysis of the Alien

  • Much attention is paid to the study of the socio-cultural space

  • possible to find out how the inhabitants of the village

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Ханипова Ильнара Ильдусовна

Статья посвящена анализу образов Чужого / Другого / Иного в культурном пространстве Татарской АССР в 1930–1970-е гг. Основываясь на архивных документах и материалах устной истории, на примере многонационального региона автор рассмотрел межкультурные коммуникации, проблемы восприятия иной /другой культуры. В результате исследования реконструированы образы Чужого через характеристики алиментарности, одежды и внешнего облика, а также поведенческие аспекты. Что образ Чужого чаще формировался как общие знания относительно социальной, духовной и материальной культуры представителей различных, живущих рядом народов. В межкультурной коммуникации, чаще носившей форму диалога, действовала формула «свой / другой», а не «свой / чужой». Способность к налаживанию диалогов, возможность взаимопроникновения культур базируется на опыте длительного совместного проживания народов, населявших Татарскую АССР

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