
Tigran the Great is one of the most powerful Armenian rulers, whose image was of most interest to Greco-Roman authors and served as a source of inspiration for European cultural figures. Rich evidence of this is the artistic and historical manifestations of the image of this outstanding ruler in European musical art. The object of research is the image of Tigran the Great. The purpose of the study is to analyze the comprehensive influence of the image of Tigran the Great in European musical art. Served as the methodological basis of the research historical-comparative-chronological, descriptive, analytical-comparative, source-scientific (Justin, «Philip's Histories» Book XXXVIII, Francesco Silvani La virtu trionfante dell'amore e dell'odio overo Il Tigrane drama) methods. The study found that European musicians created 41 operas, many of which featured the Armenian king Tigran the Great as the main or participating character. The composers were interested in the historical figure of Tigran the Great, inspired by the materials in the works of Greek-Roman authors. The article specifically presents the presentation of the historical figure of Tigran the Great by the famous composer Antonio Vivaldi, the basis of which is the work "Parallel Biographies" by the historian Plutarch.

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