
On the basis of continuous review of 45 Russian magazines and newspapers of 1809–1918, the author of the article managed to single out a significant array of illustrations dedicated to the image of Peter I. The visual series was considered using the contextual method; at the same time, three thematic subgroups were picked out for study: Peter the Great as the Father of the Country, the formation of the imperial thinking discourse, the sacredness of the memory of Peter. Peter appears as a wise, courageous and non-standard reformer who was ready to give his life for the good of the country, while not sparing the potency of his subjects. The deification of Peter was achieved with the help of allegorical and symbolic images. Through the visual image of Peter, the editorial offices of illustrated magazines and newspapers transmitted the narratives accepted in society, forming a sense of pride in the glorious past of the Russian Empire in their readers and while comparing it with the no less glorious present.

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