
The image of Antonio Salieri is recreated based on the memories of his contemporaries and epistolary and journalistic literature. The author, relying on memoir literature, archival documents and journalistic sources, substantiates his own position regarding A. Salieri’s contribution to the world artistic treasury and artistic higher education, the expediency of researching his heritage at the current stage. A wide range of primary sources little-known in scientific circulation are used, which allow us to reveal the image of Antonio Salieri – a musician, composer, teacher, theater director, rector of the central art institution of higher education in Europe in the 19th century – the Vienna Conservatory. The concept of A. Salieri’s involvement in the early death of is refuted Mozart. The aim consists in recreating the image of Antonio Salieri based on the memories of his contemporaries and epistolary and journalistic literature. The tasks of the research are the analy of primary sources on this issue and the identification of modern approaches to Antonio Salieri’s contribution to the world artistic treasury. Research methods. The methodology of the author’s research is based on the content-comparative method, which allows you to determine the reliability of one or another source, the ratio of traditionally established and non-traditional vision of the image of a prominent representative of his era – Antonio Salieri. Reconstruction was also used – to reproduce the events of the era at the turn of the 18 – 19th centuries within the scope of the research. Research results: The development of the pedagogical heritage of A. Salieri in the activities of his students and followers is shown; the creative portrait of Y.N. Hummel, who, thanks to the Maestro, mastered vocal art, Italian musical terminology, music theory and solfeggio, choral singing and conducting, orchestration, pedagogical skills, combined “Salierian” classicism and his own romanticism. The achievements of Fortunata Valzel-Franchetti as a singer, artist and teacher are analyzed, and it is shown how the vocal-pedagogical school of A. Salieri came to Ukraine through her. Conclusion.The analysis of primary sources –correspondence, diaries of Antonio Salieri and his students, made it possible to find out the significance of the Maestro’s creative heritage for subsequent eras, to recreate his image based on the memories of his contemporaries and epistolary and journalistic literature. 27 archival cases were presented for consideration, which gave an opportunity to understand how domestic scientists, artists and publicists treated Antonio Salieri throughout the 20th century, so often they turned to his creative heritage. After careful analysis of these materials, it can be said that their assessment was very high.

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