
Background: The paper focuses on the communication with a target group within the fitness industry. The purpose was to analyze the idiolect, meaning the distinctive and unique use of language of a Polish fitness trainer, Ewa Chodakowska, and to characterize the role of her specific linguistic choices in the endeavor of encouraging individuals, primarily females, to participate in workouts. Material/Methods: For the development of categories and an understanding of the relationship between the various concepts, the techniques of a grounded theory were used. The method chosen to investigate Chodakowska’s idiolect was the content analysis, in which both written and oral content came under close scrutiny. Results: Chodakowska’s particular style of interacting with fans originates both from a “professiolect” typical of all fitness instructors and her personal attitude to physical activity. The very unique use of language includes both verbal and non-verbal communication. Chodakowska has an informal, direct and personal approach to the followers. By using a ‘we’–form and addressing her female fans with funny and warm expressions as my dearests, my sweethearts, babes, she builds a feeling of group solidarity and develops a long-term customer loyalty. An important part of her idiolect are exaggerated commendations, hyperbolic expressions of applause, sophisticated maxims and adages, by use of which she tries to activate an intrinsic motivation in her fans. Her methodological explanations during workout are extremely illustrative. Noteworthy are her creative and imagine-producing metaphors, including names of her workouts: Scalpel and Killer. Conclusions: It can be argued that her distinctive speech, rather than practical competences within fitness workout planning, is Chodakowska’s main asset and key to popularity.

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