
What made Putin enter into a Khasavyurt 2?121 Is it only the inter- Ukrainians in a derisive manner. The latter usage is what is intended here. It is used to reflect the attitude of the Russian ruling elite toward the people of Ukraine. 120 Transnistria, officially the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), is an unrecognized breakaway state internationally recognized as part of Moldova. 121 Between 1994 and 2000, Russia waged two wars in Chechnya. The Khasavyurt Accord was an agreement signed in August 1996, that marked the end of the First Chechen War, but it failed to preclude a second war. “Khasavyurt 2,” then, refers to the on-going peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. 122 Russian billionaire oligarch Roman Abramovich accepted a Ukrainian request to have him assist in peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. Abramovich was sanctioned by the EU and UK...over his alleged links to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, which he denies. But [Ukrainian President] Zelensky has reportedly asked the U.S. to hold off from sanctioning Mr. Abramovich, arguing he could play a role in negotiating a peace deal with Moscow. See Roman Abramovich suffered ‘suspected poisoning’ at talks, an 11 March 2022. BBC article online found at https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60904676 ests of the oligarch Abramovich122 and others like him looming behind the draft of a separate agreement? It is dangerous for the Kremlin to lose its patriotic facade in the eyes of the people who are expecting the “capture of Kiev” (so that the sacrifices will not have been in vain). The ruling elite is rushing between Scylla and Charybdis—between two bad options for the outcome of the operation. The Kremlin now finds itself in the position of Zugzwang—as in chess, being forced to make a move even though any move at all will lead to a deterioration of its position.

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