
The subject of the research is the study of the ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s - mid–1950s). It is argued that family life was subordinated to the institutions of power: education of children in the spirit of communism. Ideologization led to the saturation of the transmitted information with certain material showing the advantage of the Soviet government: a new happy world, a Soviet family, the upbringing of a new person, Soviet pedagogy. The historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the education of parents in the conditions of totalitarianism, to highlight the dangers of the ideologization of education. The author analyzes in detail the books for parents by A.S. Makarenko, M.V. Sarycheva, K.A. Arkin and others. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of work with the family. The following forms of pedagogical education of parents are highlighted: work at school, at the place of residence, parent universities. The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine "Family and School", books for parents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the education of parents is considered in the context of ideological influence. It is shown that in the conditions of a totalitarian regime, in the absence of empirical studies of parenthood, the isolation of the country, the education of parents was ideologized. The ideal family was represented by an economic team with a regime, order, and unquestioning discipline. The forms of work with the family were at the same time the control over the behavior of the family. Ideologization assumed the upbringing of conscious discipline in children and was supposed to develop "correct" parenting techniques from parents and stimulate the ideological growth of the parents themselves, allowing them to counteract Western influences and educate children with the highest qualities necessary in the construction of communism. The result of the ideologization of parents' education was the spread of disrespect for the child, increased authoritarianism of parents, ignoring feelings, and disruption of communication between parents and children.

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