
Ideological and political education in colleges and universities is the main line of student work, and its focus is to ensure the correctness of the work direction, the consistency of content and the completeness of effects, and the concept of collaborative education has played an irreplaceable role in this regard. In the context of the current new era, this article has constructed a collaborative mechanism for i political education in colleges and universities, established the concept of "three people", built a platform for collaborative education, and improved the collaborative education system. Cultivate an environment for cooperative education. Based on the theory of collaborative education, this article focuses on the problems that the mechanism guarantees that exist in the collaborative education of political education in universities have not been perfected, and the departments have not yet formed coordination. The role of existing, combined with the connotation of the concept of collaborative education, analyzed the root causes of the shortcomings of the concept in the operation of colleges and universities, and based on this, guided by the concept of collaborative education, a solution combining theory with practice was given. Propose measures to improve the internal and external joint mechanism and guarantee mechanism of education in universities. Experimental research results show that entering the new era, college students’ ideological and political education is facing new challenges. The effective integration of the concept of collaborative education can not only provide a better basis for college ideological and political education and the dialectical relationship between theory and practice, but also satisfy students. The objective needs of growth and recent development.

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