
T THE colonization of Virginia obviously needed propaganda as well as the governmental approval and financial support secured by Sir Walter Ralegh, backed by Richard Hakluyt the preacher. This propaganda was devised and written by another Richard Hakluyt, a lawyer whose practical acquaintance with overseas trade supplied the sober facts required to popularize the venture. His tract was called Inducements to the liking of the voyage intended towards Virginia.' It was sound, so far as the knowledge of the day permitted, and studiously devoid of golden decoys. The last section of treatise, as it was finally published some years later, listed the Sorts of men which are to be passed in and the next to last numbered category provided detail: Men skilful in burning of Sope ashes, and in making of and Tarre, and Rozen, to be fetched out of Prussia and Poland, which are thence to be had for small wages, being there in maner of slaves. 2 Ralph Lane, lieutenant to Sir Richard Grenville on the I585 Virginia voyage, apparently was instructed to look into supplies of raw materials for these products, and on September 3 of that year he reported: this alreadie we find, that what commodities soever Spaine, France, Italy, or the East parts [of Europe] do yeeld unto us in wines of all sortes, in oiles, in flaxe, in rosens, pitch . . . , and such like, these parts do abound with the growth of them all.3 And in February 1588, Thomas Hariot added: Pitch, Tarre,

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