
Wu & Li (1977) and Li & Hedge (1994) recognized Ocimum tashiroi Hayata in their accounts of the genus in China. Examination of the type material demonstrates that 0. tashiroi should be placed in the synonomy of Basilicum polystachyon (L.) Moench, a species distributed widely in the Old World tropics and previously recorded from Taiwan (Li & Hedge 1994). This species is lectotypified below. The only extant original material for the basionym which can be traced is a herbarium sheet bearing two specimens in the Linnean herbaria in London. This is annotated with the specific epithet in Linnaeus's hand, indicating its status as original material. The left hand specimen bears the annotation "HU" indicating that it was cultivated in the botanical garden in Uppsala. The right hand specimen bears the annotation "Ind" which indicates that it originated from India. Both specimens concur with current usage, and therefore either would be a suitable candidate for lectotypification. However, since Linnaeus originally described the plant from India, we have chosen to lectotypify on the specimen of Indian origin.

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