
A slope on the west border of the foothill near 921 surface rupture (caused by the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake) in central Taiwan shows distinctive topographic expression that was prone to be considered as a fault scarp formed by a preexisting active fault. The 2D and 3D resistivity images clearly delineate rock surfaces which show steep, deep, gentle, and subvertical displacement beneath the slope, the toe of slope, the non-lateritic terrace, and 921 surface rupture, respectively, which can be attributed to the significant contrast of resistivity between gravel and rock. The horizontal sand bed and clast-supported gravel were deposited in a fluvial environment, whereas wedge-shaped gravel and colluvium were scarp-induced colluvial deposits in the trench profile. The layers shown in the depth of excavation, except for rock, has no offset or disturbance by fault ever since at least 2,480 ± 50 year B.P., based on carbon 14 dating of charcoal sample at the bottom of trench profile. According to information from two boreholes close to the slope, an over 20-m-thick marker bed with transported shell fragments, was found for correlation. This correlation further implies the slope was not formed by fault. On the other hand, two boreholes which are far from the slope and located on the flat non-lateritic terrace frequently show fractured and sheared features. By comparison, the locations around these two boreholes indicate a reverse fault or faults that occurred before the deposition of gravel. Later on, the paleostream was developed along the foot of fault scarp that was subjected to erosion and led to subsequent retrogression or retreat of the slope. Consequently, the incision of paleostream is believed to be responsible for the high relief of rock surface around the slope. Furthermore, from resistivity and borehole data, the rock surface underlying terrace is gentle where no faults occur after the deposition of gravel. The result of RIP crossing the 921 surface rupture displays about 10 m difference in elevation of rock surface on both sides, which is greater than that of 3–4 m caused by Chi-Chi earthquake. This indicates that the 921 surface rupture is a preexisting thrust fault that resulted from several thrusting events since terrace gravel was deposited. So it is not necessary to establish an extra restricted zone for construction in study area, except close to the 921 surface rupture.

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