
Mineral water company is a large Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry (FMCG), they massively produced mineral water day to day in order to fulfill consumer needs. Companies engaged in the bottled mineral water industry are companies that have a large demand continuously, but often face the problem of delays in the completion of products caused by waste on the production floor. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify waste that happens to companies using a lean manufacturing approach and use Waste Assessment Management (WAM) as a method to determine waste that occurs so that the company can properly determine the improvement steps. This paper conducted the result of the Identification that occurs in this company, resulted the biggest waste caused by transportation in 20% Transportation waste is the point at which an item that is intended to be utilized in assembling is moved or contacted superfluously. Moving costs cash, however can likewise bring about the expanded gamble of that item being harmed, lost or abused.

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