
s Service. This is issued biweekly, and includes the titles, authors' names, and bibliographic references of currently published articles of chemical interest. The issue used was No. 1, 1971, dated 11 January. A typical entry from the issue is shown in Fig. 1; the bibliographic reference is given as the ASTM Coden. The titles are recorded in upper-case characters. An occasional artefact arises through the insertion of additional space symbols; the printed publication includes a KWIC (Key Word In Context) index, and the spaces ensure that certain chemical word stems such as QUINONE in Fig. 1 (the word is normally written as PHYLLOQUINONE) are indexed. A set of simple programs (written in PLAN, the ICL 1900 series assembly language) was devised to produce counts of n-grams (i.e., strings of 1, 2, 3 and 5 characters), including the space character, for values of n between 1 and 5. The program to count single character occurrences used the binary value of the character code to address a position in a 62-word array. The digrams were counted by using a two-dimensional array (62 x 62 = 3844). Longer /j-grams (« = 3 and 5) were created by taking a window equal to that number of characters and moving it along the title record, creating a new record at each position (a space was inserted as the initial character of each title). The records were written to tape, and subsequently sorted, counted and printed.

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