
Beth and Clarke Ross reside in Crofton, Md. Their son has had the same pediatrician since birth. With excellent health insurance (Federal Employee Health Benefit Program) and some informed knowledge of special learning and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder issues, they are positioned to take advantage of the medical institutions in the Baltimore-Washington greater area. Their pediatrician has been excellent at referring to appropriate specialists when the need arises. Despite an excellent Individualized Education Program, Beth and Clarke are often frustrated with the school's inability to consistently implement the Individualized Education Program as written. Today, Andrew's friends all have the same social skills challenges. Like many parents, Beth and Clarke balance the emotions of uncertainty, frustration, and sadness. They also are currently focusing on reinforcing what Dr Robert Brooks calls “islands of competence”—building on Andrew's strengths to reinforce attitudes of self-confidence. Clarke Ross works as the Chief Executive Officer of CHADD (Children and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).

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