
The vector space \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\) upon which the XXZ Hamiltonian with n spins acts bears the structure of a module over both the Temperley–Lieb algebra \({{\rm TL}_{n}(\beta = q + q^{-1})}\) and the quantum algebra \({{\rm U}_{q} \mathfrak{sl}_2}\). The decomposition of \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\) as a \({{\rm U}_{q} \mathfrak{sl}_2}\)-module was first described by Rosso (Commun Math Phys 117:581–593, 1988), Lusztig (Cont Math 82:58–77, 1989) and Pasquier and Saleur (Nucl Phys B 330:523–556, 1990) and that as a TL n -module by Martin (Int J Mod Phys A 7:645–673, 1992) (see also Read and Saleur Nucl Phys B 777(3):316–351, 2007; Gainutdinov and Vasseur Nucl Phys B 868:223–270, 2013). For q generic, i.e. not a root of unity, the TL n -module \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\) is known to be a sum of irreducible modules. We construct the projectors (idempotents of the algebra of endomorphisms of \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\)) onto each of these irreducible modules as linear combinations of elements of \({{\rm U}_{q} \mathfrak{sl}_2}\). When q = q c is a root of unity, the TL n -module \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\) (with n large enough) can be written as a direct sum of indecomposable modules that are not all irreducible. We also give the idempotents projecting onto these indecomposable modules. Their expression now involves some new generators, whose action on \({\otimes^{n}\mathbb{C}^2}\) is that of the divided powers \({(S^{\pm})^{(r)} = \lim_{q \rightarrow q_{c}} (S^{\pm})^r/[r]!}\).

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