
The article attempts to explore and describe the ideals of Islam as perceived and practised by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958) at various stages of his life. Starting from religious conservatism received from his family, Maulana Azad moved towards rationalism at first and then to Pan-Islamism before finally committing to humanism. In this process of intellectual progression, his perception of Islam and its ideals changed as his social and political interactions changed over time. These changing contours of Maulana Azad‟s thoughts found manifestation in the political practices he carried out from various platforms. Islam served as a great source of legitimation in his political practices. Inspiration for Islamic revivalism drew him into political activities aimed at serving the Muslim cause and fighting British imperialism. Maulana Azad‟s sentiments and aspirations for Islam and Muslims echoed loudly during the Khilafat Movement which brought him closer to communal harmony and also resulted in his lasting association with the Indian National Congress. Whatever the platform he utilised, for Maulana Azad Muslim uplift remained a constant and prime concern in politics which he, ultimately, came to believe could be achieved by Hindu-Muslim unity as a single force against the British colonial power.

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