
Abstract A socio-dental survey of a random sample of a population in Amsterdam contained questions concerned with the characteristics of the ideal dentist on the one hand and what they perceived as the work of the dentist and his attitudes and their source on the other. Both studies used the variables socio-economic status (S.E.S.), sex and pattern of dental attendance asthe key variables. An additional variable, method of paying for dental care was also investigated. In the Netherlands compulsory insurance is dependent on income and those who wish to have dental expenses paid through insurance (“sick fund”) have to accept the conditions and limitations imposed by the Third Party. In Amsterdam this includes having to attend a dentist 6 monthly to maintain benefits and to be treated in a special clinic. Professional skill, ability to put the patient at ease, and friendliness were the three positive attributesof the Ideal Dentist mentioned most often. However, the lower the respondents S.E.S., the most frequently reassurance and friendliness were mentioned. Those with a high S.E.S. regarded professional skill and explanation as most important. Regular attenders who constituted 47% of the sample are most likely to fall into the high S.E.S. Group and consequently stressed the same attribute, as being important. In contrast, although women were found to visit the dentist more regularly than men, as a group they referred more often to reassurance rather than professional skill. The three most common negative characteristics mentioned were cost, roughness and pain. People inthe high S.E.S. group mentioned expense more often than did those in the low S.E.S. group who tended to stress roughness and pain as being most important. Many of the qualities attributed to the ideal dentist are likely to be the result of experience and it seems probable that working conditions imposed by the dentist by the third party system of payment will influence the manner in which he delivers care. However, it appears that how people perceive the task of the dentist and their attitude towards dental care in general is responsible for their image of the ideal dentist.

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