
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the main stages in the formation of the concept of the unity of the Ukrainian lands and the practical aspects of its implementation in the state aspirations of Ukrainians of the twentieth century. Methods. The methodological basis of the study was a set of theoretical, general and specific scientific methods, as well as the principles of objectivity and historicism. The key was the dialectical approach, which allowed to identify the relationships, dynamics and features of the practical implementation of the idea of catholicity in the state concepts of Ukrainians of the twentieth century. Results. There are four key stages in the implementation of the idea of catholicity in the twentieth century: the stage of formation – the second half of the nineteenth – early twentieth century; stage of organizational and legal registration – the period of national liberation struggles of 1917-1921 and in particular the Act of Unification on January 22, 1919; stage of declarative registration of catholicity – the time of functioning of Carpathian Ukraine and the Ukrainian Independent Conciliar State created by the Act of Restoration of Ukrainian Statehood on June 30, 1941; stage of state approval – after 1991. The main emphasis in the study is on the characteristics of the implementation of the idea of catholicity during the second and third stages. It is established that the idea of catholicity in Ukrainian state and legal thought is characterized by a deep philosophical and legal content, which provides for the unity of ethnic Ukrainian lands within one state. Originality. The main stages of formation of the idea of catholicity as a legal category among Ukrainian lawyers, as well as the specifics of the practical implementation of this idea in the twentieth century. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in further historical and legal research, preparation of special courses.

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