
The history of the iconostasis in the central nave of the church in Decani can be divided into two periods. The icons of Christ, the Mother of God, John the Baptist and St. Nicholas on the original altar screen, painted around 1343, were related to the relics of King Stefan Decanski and with the wall painting in the church space in front of the altar. The removal of those icons at the end of the sixteenth century and their replacement with new ones explains the strengthening cult of St. Stefan Decanski. In 1577 an icon of St. Stephen was placed over the king?s portrait depicted in the fourteenth century fresco painting, and by 1593/1594, the new despotic icons of Christ and the Virgin were painted for the iconostasis, then an expanded Deesis that was placed above them, with a large cross fixed on the top. The central icons were painted by the painter Longin, and the cross is attributed to Andreja, a painter known for his frescoes from the seventh and eighth decade of the seventeenth century.


  • Историја иконостаса у средњем броду цркве у Дечанима може се поделити на два периода

  • The history of the iconostasis in the central nave of the church in Dečani can be divided into two periods

  • Stephen was placed over the king’s portrait depicted in the fourteenth century fresco painting, and by 1593/1594, the new despotic icons of Christ and the Virgin were painted for the iconostasis, an expanded Deesis that was placed above them, with a large cross fixed on the top

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Бранислав Тодић**

Уклањање тих икона крајем XVI века и њихова замена новим објашњавају се снажењем култа светог Стефана Дечанског. На иконостасу су насликане нове престоне иконе Христа и Богородице, проширени Деизис, који је смештен изнад њих, и велики крст, постављен на врх. Nicholas on the original altar screen, painted around 1343, were related to the relics of King Stefan Dečanski and with the wall painting in the church space in front of the altar The removal of those icons at the end of the sixteenth century and their replacement with new ones explains the strengthening cult of St. Stefan Dečanski. Један од најранијих примера олтарских преграда са сачуваним првобитним престоним иконама у интерколумнијама, измењен је крајем XVI века тако што су испред њега постављене нове иконе, с потпуно другачијим иконографским програмом. Стога смо наше истраживање иконостаса проширили и на тај простор, као и на промене које су они с временом доживели

Иконостас из XIV века
Иконостас из XVI века
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Branislav Todić
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