
Purpose: This Research was to study the functional state of the hypothalamic-pituitary gland-gonadal system in males with Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD), as well as the effect of hormonal correction of the revealed disorders on factors of pathogenesis and the course of IHD.
 Materials and Methods: We examined 120 males with IHD of different severity of disease, aged 20-50 years and 34 healthy males of the same age with normal body weight and with uncompromised history for diseases of the endocrine system. Among those surveyed were not included alcoholou anabolizant steroids abusers with severe somatic and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (prostatitis, urethritis, orchitis). The body weight of patients fluctuated within ± 10% of the ideal. At the time of the examination, all the patients were married, 2 were divorced, and all had children.
 Depending on the age, the examinees were divided into 2 groups: the first - 44 patients in the age of 20-35 years, the second - 76 patients 36-50 years old.
 The patient was examined in Ashgabat city, Hospital with the Scientific- clinical Center of Cardiology (Turkmenistan).
 Results: In the I age group, 8 patients had post infarction cardiosclerosis, in which there was a slight decrease in sexual activity, in others - angina pectoris of different functional classes (there was no violation of sexual activity).
 The average content of Т in the fasting serum of males with IHD of I group was significantly lowered, were noted a statistically unreliable tendency to increase of FSH and a statistically significant increase in the LH/T ratio. The mean levels of LH, PRL and E2 did not differ from the corresponding indices in healthy individuals.
 Conclusion: Patients with IHD have decreased testosterone secretion, especially at a young age.

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