
A functional analysis of the V2 protein of two monopartite begomoviruses, Papaya leaf curl virus (PaLCuV) and Cotton leaf curl Kokhran virus (CLCuKoV), has been performed. Expression of the V2 gene from a Potato virus X (PVX) vector resulted in severe leaf curling followed by a hypersensitive response (HR) in Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabacum, demonstrating that the V2 protein is a pathogenicity determinant and a target of host defence responses. Agroinfiltration of a PVX vector expressing the V2 protein resulted in cell death in the infiltrated area. Subsequently, a systemic HR developed that was associated with the long-distance spread of the virus and led to the death of the plant. V2 amino acid sequences encompassing a conserved putative protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation motif were shown to be essential for the elicitation of cell death. In co-inoculation experiments, the transient expression of the C2 protein of PaLCuV or Cotton leaf curl Multan virus under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter inhibited the HR induced by V2 in the agroinfiltrated area. These findings demonstrate that the V2 protein of monopartite begomoviruses is a pathogenicity determinant and induces an HR that can be suppressed by the C2 protein. The induction and suppression of HR have been demonstrated previously in bipartite begomoviruses and our results extend this to monopartite begomoviruses.

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