
What is the topic of this review? Elevated demand is placed on the respiratory muscles during whole-body exercise-induced hyperpnoea. What is the role of elevated demand in neural modulation of cardiovascular control in respiratory and locomotor skeletal muscle, and what are the mechanisms involved? What advances does it highlight? There is a sympathetic restraint of blood flow to locomotor muscles during near-maximal exercise, which might function to maintain blood pressure. During submaximal exercise, respiratory muscle blood flow might be also be reduced if ventilatory load is sufficiently high. Methodological advances (near-infrared spectroscopy with indocyanine green) confirm that blood flow is diverted away from respiratory muscles when the work of breathing is alleviated. It is known that the respiratory muscles have a significant increasing oxygen demand in line with hyperpnoea during whole-body endurance exercise and are susceptible to fatigue, in much the same way as locomotor muscles. The act of ventilation can itself be considered a form of exercise. The manipulation of respiratory load at near-maximal exercise alters leg blood flow significantly, demonstrating a competitive relationship between different skeletal muscle vascular beds to perfuse both sets of muscles adequately with a finite cardiac output. In recent years, the question has moved towards whether this effect exists during submaximal exercise, and the use of more direct measurements of respiratory muscle blood flow itself to confirm assumptions that uphold the concept. Evidence thus far has shown that there is a reciprocal effect on blood flow redistribution during ventilatory load manipulation observed at the respiratory muscles themselves and that the effect is observable during submaximal exercise, where active limb blood flow was reduced in conditions that simulated a high work of breathing. This has clinical applications for populations with respiratory disease and heart failure, where the work of breathing is remarkably high, even during submaximal efforts.

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