
RHF/aug-cc-pVnZ, UHF/aug-cc-pVnZ, and QCISD/aug-cc-pVnZ, n = 2-5, potential energy curves of H2 X (1) summation g (+) are analyzed by Fourier transform methods after transformation to a new coordinate system via an inverse hyperbolic cosine coordinate mapping. The Fourier frequency domain spectra are interpreted in terms of underlying mathematical behavior giving rise to distinctive features. There is a clear difference between the underlying mathematical nature of the potential energy curves calculated at the HF and full-CI levels. The method is particularly suited to the analysis of potential energy curves obtained at the highest levels of theory because the Fourier spectra are observed to be of a compact nature, with the envelope of the Fourier frequency coefficients decaying in magnitude in an exponential manner. The finite number of Fourier coefficients required to describe the CI curves allows for an optimum sampling strategy to be developed, corresponding to that required for exponential and geometric convergence. The underlying random numerical noise due to the finite convergence criterion is also a clearly identifiable feature in the Fourier spectrum. The methodology is applied to the analysis of MRCI potential energy curves for the ground and first excited states of HX (X = H-Ne). All potential energy curves exhibit structure in the Fourier spectrum consistent with the existence of resonances. The compact nature of the Fourier spectra following the inverse hyperbolic cosine coordinate mapping is highly suggestive that there is some advantage in viewing the chemical bond as having an underlying hyperbolic nature.

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