
An analysis of the plant communities of the watercourses of the Vredefort – Kroonstad – Lindley – Heilbron area (northern Orange Free State) is presented. Relevés were compiled in 34 stratified random sample plots. A T winspan classification, refined by Braun-Blanquet procedures, revealed four distinct plant communities. A hierarchical classification, description and ecological interpretation of the plant communities are presented. ’n Analise van die plantgemeenskappe van die waterbane van die Vredefort – Kroonstad – Lindley – Heilbron area (noordelike Oranje-Vrystaat) word gegee. Relevés is in 34 gestratifiseerde ewekansig gekose monsterpersele saamgestel. ’n T winspan -klassifikasie, verfyn deur Braun-Blanquet-prosedures, toon vier duidelik onderskeibare plantgemeenskappe. ’n Hiërargiese klassifikasie, beskrywing en ekologiese interpretasie van hierdie plantgemeenskappe word aangebied.

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