
Precipitation data collection is a fundamental activity for understanding climate phenomena and making decisions in various areas, such as agriculture, water resources, and energy. However, collecting and analyzing this data in Brazil faces several challenges that affect the quality and reliability of the information. This article aims to analyze the challenges related to precipitation data collection in Brazil and present proposals to overcome them, contributing to improving the quality of information and the safety of the population. To achieve the proposed objective, the main factors presented in debates and discussions that occurred between master's and doctoral students, and researchers from government agencies in Brazil from 2021 to 2023 were monitored and recorded. The analysis of the challenges related to precipitation data collection in Brazil points to the lack of investment in the maintenance and monitoring of meteorological stations, the lack of observational data in certain regions of the country, the need to consider the spatial and temporal variability of the data, and the guarantee of the safety of the stations. To overcome these challenges, a joint effort is proposed by the government, the scientific community, and the general population with adequate investments in the maintenance and monitoring of meteorological stations, the adoption of more efficient solutions for data collection and analysis, the consideration of the spatial and temporal variability of the data, and the adoption of security measures for meteorological stations.

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