
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of fixation target distance on the human vestibuloocular reflex (VOR) during eccentric rotation in pitch. Such rotation induces both angular and linear acceleration. Eight normal subjects viewed earth-fixed targets that were either remote or near to the eyes during whole-body rotation about an earth-horizontal axis that was either oculocentric or 15 cm posterior (eccentric) to the eyes. Eye and head movements were recorded using magnetic search coils. Using a servomotor-driven chair, passive whole-body rotations were delivered as trains of single-frequency sinusoids at frequencies from 0.8 to 2.0 Hz and as pseudorandom impulses of acceleration. In the light, the visually enhanced VOR (VVOR) was recorded while subjects were asked to fixate targets at one of several distances. In darkness, subjects were asked to remember targets that had been viewed immediately prior to the rotation. In order to eliminate slip of the retinal image of a near target when the axis of rotation of the head is posterior to the eyes, the ideal gain (compensatory eye velocity divided by head velocity) of the VVOR and VOR must exceed 1.0. Both the VOR and VVOR were found to have significantly enhanced gains during sinusoidal and pseudorandom impulses of rotation (P < 0.05). Enhancement of VVOR gain was greatest at low frequencies of head rotation and decreased with increasing frequency. However, enhanced VOR gain only slightly exceeded 1.0, and VVOR gain enhancement was significantly lower than the expected ideal values for the stimulus conditions employed (P < 0.05). During oculocentric rotations with near targets, both the VOR and VVOR tended to exhibit small phase leads that increased with rotational frequency. In contrast, during eccentric rotations with near targets, there were small phase lags that increased with frequency. Visual tracking contributes during ocular compensatory responses to sustained head rotation, although the latency of visual tracking reflexes exceeds 100 ms. In order to study initial vestibular responses prior to modification by visual tracking, we presented impulses of head acceleration in pseudorandom sequence of initial positions and directions, and evaluated the ocular response in the epoch from 25 to 80 ms after movement onset. As with sinusoidal rotations, pseudorandom eccentric head rotation in the presence of a near, earth-fixed target was associated with enhancement of VVOR and VOR gains in the interval from 25 to 80 ms from movement onset. Despite the inability of visual tracking to contribute to these responses, VVOR gain significantly exceeded VOR gain for pseudorandom accelerations. This gain enhancement indicates that target distance and linear motion of the head are considered by the human ocular motor system in adjustment of performance of the early VOR, prior to a contribution by visual following reflexes. Vergence was appropriate to target distance during all VVOR rotations, but varied during VOR rotations with remembered targets. For the 3-m target distance, vergence during the VOR was stable over each entire trial but slightly exceeded the ideal value. For the 0.1-m near target, instantaneous vergence during the VOR typically declined gradually in a manner not corresponding to the time course of instantaneous VOR gain change; mean vergence over entire trials ranged from 60 to 90% of ideal, corresponding to target distances for which ideal gain would be much higher than actually observed. These findings suggest a dissociation between vergence and VOR gain during eccentric rotation with near targets in the frequency range from 0.8 to 2.0 Hz.

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