
The Mexican State is forced to respect the Human Rights of the PPL that are purging some penalty within the centers of social reintegration. Compliance with the objectives of the National Penitentiary System can only be achieved by respecting the human rights of prisoners as a basis; since it is through the recognition of their human dignity, that their needs can be effectively covered and, therefore, generate a feeling of well-being: an absolutely necessary condition for reforming their criminal behavior and avoiding their recurrence. Failure to respect the human rights - even the most fundamental - of the LPPs during the application of criminal sanctions, represents an impediment to reform the criminal behavior (intentions to reoffend) and ergo, can not effectively reinsert the individual into society; it betrays the very purpose of the penitentiary system. In order to achieve the expected results with our proposal, it is very important to be understand that through education and employment, the inmate covers his most basic needs that allow him to respond to his obligations abroad and within the same criminal process in which he finds himself; he obtains an emotional / psychological stability, which will allow him to focus and collaborate together his efforts in his reinsertion process, all always having as a base and limit of action the respect to his human dignity. Psychopedagogical treatments (using psychological therapy, psygogogy and / or penitentiary reinsertionist puberagogy) are fundamental to achieve social reintegration and thus the non-recidivism of the offender.

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