
This research sheds light on the Hujariyah military unit and its role in the Abbasid state since its creation in 280/893 until its elimination in 325/936. The Caliph al-Mu‘tadid bi-Allah created the Hujariyah unit in 280/893 to guard the caliph in his residence, processions, travels and wars, for which they received financial benefits and quality training. They were distinguished by their military efficiency and complete discipline, despite an increase in their numbers. The caliphs used them when confronting rebels and suppressing army rebellions and riots of the public. The Hujariyah’s involvement in the turmoil and internal crises of the state, since the time of Caliph al-Muqtadir, led to their hegemony over the caliphate and the state during the reign of Caliph al-Radhi. The dominance of the Hujariyah over the state and the caliph continued until the commander Muhammad ibn Ra’iq eliminated it in 325/936.

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