
Bosnia and Herzegovina is in many ways a special, complex and controversial geographical, geopolitical and social space. As a state, it is home to „three constituent peoples“ and „other“ citizens. As such, it had a tumultuous history, with magnificent examples of coexistence, humanity and respect for its peoples, cultures and religions, as well as examples of expressing cruelty to one another.
 Kraljeva Sutjeska is a relatively small town near Kakanj whose historical importance for the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its location in central Bosnia, in the gentle plain that emerges from the rocky strait („sutjeska“) of the Trstivnica river, was the ideal natural place for the development of the city („suburb“) of the medieval rulers of Bosnia, that is, the royal residence (Banski dvor-Curia bani) of bans/kings from the Kotromanić house. In addition, Bobovac is located northeast (3.5 km by air), as a fortified royal city.
 Franciscan monastery in Kraljeva Sutjeska with the church of st. John the Baptist (erected in the early 14th century) and the mosque of Sultan Mehmed II El Fatih (erected in 1463) are the two most significant public sites and cultural-historical monuments that, in architectural terms, follow the patterns of two great civilizations - Christianity and Islam.
 The house of the croatian Dusper family in Kraljeva Sutjeska is a private residential building which, as such, is not the result of religious-cultural canons but an example of the genesis of architectural content, which at the same time, in its development, receives many different influences: building-architectural, religious, cultural, artistic ... The observer from the side (and especially by getting acquainted with the development of her spatial plan, interior decoration and individual elements of the equipment), depending on his culture, religious affiliation (...), will see a croatian-catholic house in the Dusper family house, and others - bosnian house-chardaklia or oriental type town house in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For this reason, the Dusper family house in Kraljeva Sutjeska is an invaluable architectural and cultural content, both for bosnian croats and for Bosnia and Herzegovina (which best represents its cultural complexity) and for architecture and culture on a global scale.

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