
This paper brings out the identification of 74 French Diplomatic Massacred Agents of Native Muslims of Algerians (FDMANMA) from 1830 to 1962 with extension of radicalism and slaughtering cutting through the worst period of history. The perpetuators of Pre-colonial and Colonial Diplomatic Agents of Exploration, Expropriation and Intensive Exploitation (PCDAEEIE) till Confusing Self-Determination guided by the mechanisms of neo-colonialism in 1962 illustrated how the French presence in Algeria was a historical accident to the natives. Shortly after the July Monarchy of Louis Philippe I was overthrown in the Revolution of 1848, the new government of the Second Republic ended Algeria's status as a colony and declared it in the 1848 Constitution an integral part of France. Three civil departments were organized under a civilian government namely: Alger, Oran, and Constantine. Whatever the case may be in terms of pre-colonial and colonial activities orchestrated by the French diplomatic agents in Algeria, their identification is our concerns in this paper so that any of such claims can be well done within their tenure of offices in their diverse portfolios of 3Es from 1830 to 1962.The scrutiny of several documentary evidences, specialized works and related materials enable us to use a historical analytical and statistically approach to justify of findings which are not frequently seen in the recent history books makes this branch of history very interesting as it opens the way forward for more research activities and to know what each of the EEIE did in Algeria. By the year 1962 when France granted independence to the Algerians, the later had experienced 132 years with manipulations under 74 Pre-colonial and Colonial agents as illustrated on table No. 1 ahead of the is study with table No.2 illustrating 19 French leaders who appointed their agents. In the teaching of African history during the pre-colonial and colonial periods, students are often worried about ...........

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