
This paper reports the discovery and characterization of the transiting hot giant exoplanet Kepler-17b. The planet has an orbital period of 1.486 days, and radial velocity measurements from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) show a Doppler signal of 420+/-15 m.s-1. From a transit-based estimate of the host star's mean density, combined with an estimate of the stellar effective temperature T_eff=5630+/-100 K from high-resolution spectra, we infer a stellar host mass of 1.061+/-0.067 M_sun and a stellar radius of 1.019+/-0.033 R_jup. We estimate the planet mass and radius to be Mp=2.450+/-0.114 M_jup and Rp=1.312+/-0.018 R_jup and a planet density near 1.35 g.cm-3. The host star is active, with dark spots that are frequently occulted by the planet. The continuous monitoring of the star reveals a stellar rotation period of 11.89 days, 8 times the the planet's orbital period; this period ratio produces stroboscopic effects on the occulted starspots. The temporal pattern of these spot-crossing events shows that the planet's orbit is prograde and the star's obliquity is smaller than 15 deg. We detected planetary occultations of Kepler-17b with both the Kepler and Spitzer Space Telescopes. We use these observations to constrain the eccentricity, e, and find that it is consistent with a circular orbit (e<0.0011). The brightness temperatures of the planet the infrared bandpasses are T_3.6um=1880+/-100 K and T4.5um=1770+/-150 K. We measure the optical geometric albedo A_g in the Kepler bandpass and find A_g = 0.10+/-0.02. The observations are best described by atmospheric models for which most of the incident energy is re-radiated away from the day side.

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