
My attention has been increasingly directed to a large group of women who are handicapped by premenstrual disturbances of manifold nature. It is well known that normal women suffer varying degrees of discomfort preceding the onset of menstruation. Employers of labor take cognizance of this fact and make provision for the temporary care of their employees. These minor disturbances include increased fatigability, irritability, lack of concentration and attacks of pain. In another group of patients, the symptoms complained of are of sufficient gravity to require rest in bed for one or two days. In this group, particularly, pain plays the predominant rôle. There is still another class of patients in whom grave systemic disorders manifest themselves predominantly during the premenstrual period. <h3>REPORT OF CASES</h3><h3>Case 1.</h3> —A young, unmarried woman suffered from frequent convulsive attacks, which later occurred exclusively within ten days preceding menstruation. Neurologic investigation resulted in a diagnosis

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