
Most arithmetic problems seem to be far removed from the lives of young people and consequently are not interesting and are hardly instructive. Planning a home, however, has several points of contact with life. Most of the young people, especially from the eighth grade up, will soon be attempting the making of a home. Why not help them ? The following plan has been tried rather successfully in the schools of Oakland, California. The first problem considered was the selection of the lot. Where should this be located? Since the boys and girls were more familiar with their own city, this was the starting-point. The desirability of a home away from the factory districts and water fronts was suggested. Is it more desirable to have a home on the street-car line or near the street-car line ? The questions of noise, dust, and convenience were discussed. Why are lots in some portions of the city more desirable than those in other locations ? Many questions like these will arise. Some of the young people may prefer country property, and the back-to-the-farm idea may be driven home. How much can one afford to pay? An answer to this question helps to decide the location of the lot. The advisability of paying on the instalment plan is also a pertinent question. Real estate agents will help with quotations of prices. The size of a lot which will allow for garden, lawn, and garage requires consideration. This is the lot one would like to own, though not always what one can own. But if one has a goal in view, he is more apt to attain it than if he has none. Where should the house be located on the lot ? It should not be too close to.the line, or the nearness of a neighbor will shut out sunshine and one will have no privacy.

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