
The research on Russia’s 1993 Constitution by the Chinese constitutional circles mainlyfocuses on constitutional norms and constitutional systems, with rare historical attention. In order tohave a complete and profound understanding of the current Constitution of Russia, it is not enough tofocus solely on the constitutional system, but also to know “where the 1993 Constitution came from”. Russia’s current constitution, which was adopted and entered into force in 1993, was enacted at a special historical time. At that time, Russia’s economic situation was unstable, and a new political order was in the process of forming. During this period, the revision of the 1978 Constitution and the enactment of a new Constitution were carried out simultaneously. According to the amended 1978 Constitution, there are elected presidents and elected people’s congresses, and the government is accountable to both the people’s congresses and the president. This form of regime organization is different from the typical form of political organization in other countries of the world. To some extent, there are two power centers in Russia: the president and parliament.The President and the Parliament were deeply divided on economic policy. As times goes on, the political disputes between the two become more and more intense, affecting not only the revision of the old constitution, but also the formulation of the new constitution. Both the president and parliament want a new constitution that strengthens their position and power. In April 1992, the Sixth People’s Congress adopted the basic provisions of the new draft constitution. However, the President proposed amendments to the Constitutional Council, which is responsible for formulating the draft constitution. In the draft constitution later published by the Constitutional Council, the Powers of the President were expanded. The Parliament was very dissatisfi ed with this. In determining the schedule of the Seventh People’s Congress, only the agenda of the old Constitution had been amended and the draft new Constitution had not been discussed.In December 1992, the Seventh People’s Congress was held and the Parliament weakened the President’s powers by amending the old Constitution. The president believes that the people’s congress attacks the policies of the president and the government, and that the authoritarianism of legislative power is also dangerous. The president proposed holding a referendum in Russia to resolve the power struggle between the president and parliament. After the victory of the President in a general referendum held on 25 April 1993, the President’s side published the draft constitution of the Presidential version and convened a "constitutional assembly". At this point, the parliamentary side also submitted its own draft constitution. In July 1993, the Constitutional Assembly produced a compromise version of the draft constitution, however, did not settle the power struggle between the President and parliament. In September 1993, with the promulgation of Presidential Decree No. 1400, the confl ict between the two sides quickly intensifi ed and eventually turned into an armed confl ict. On 12 December 1993, a draft constitution was adopted by a referendum in Russia, which was formally adopted in 1993.Despite the irreconcilable differences between the President and the Parliament during the 1993 constitution- making process, there are also some commonality in the draft constitutions of the two sides, namely, the recognition and adherence to the concepts of "rule of law" and "civil society". The process of formulating the 1993 Constitution is tortuous, but it may be understood if it is analyzed and examined in such a grand historical context as the transformation of Russian society


  • Russia’s economic situation was unstable, and a new political order was in the process of forming

  • The President proposed amendments to the Constitutional Council, which is responsible for formulating the draft constitution

  • In the draft constitution later published by the Constitutional Council, the Powers of the President were expanded

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The history of Russia’s 1993 Constitution goes back pangdongmei71@163.com 摘要:中国宪法学界对俄罗斯1993年宪法的研究主要集中在宪法规范、宪法制度层面,罕有历史 关照。为了完整、深刻地了解俄罗斯现行宪法,仅仅关注宪法制度还不够,还须知晓“有历史关 年宪法从哪里来”。 俄罗斯现行宪法是在1993年通过并生效的,这部宪法制定于特殊的历史时期。当时的俄罗斯经济 局势不稳,新的政治秩序尚在形成过程中。在这一时期的俄罗斯,修改1978年宪法和制定新宪法 两项工作同时进行着。依据修改后的1978年宪法,存在民选总统和民选的人民代表大会,政府既 向人民代表大会负责,也向总统负责。这种政权组织形式与世界上其他国家典型的政权组织形式 都不同。俄罗斯在一定程度上出现了总统和议会两个权力中心。 总统和议会在经济政策方面存在严重分歧,随着时间的推移,二者之间的政治纷争愈演愈烈,不 仅影响了旧宪法的修改,也影响了新宪法的制定。总统和议会都想要一部能够强化自己地位和权 力的新宪法。1992年4月,第六次人民代表大会通过了新宪法草案的基本条款。但是总统一方向 负责制定宪法草案的宪法委员会提出了修改意见。在宪法委员会后来公布的宪法草案中,总统的 权力扩大了。议会对此非常不满,在确定第七次人民代表大会日程安排时,只有修改旧宪法的议 程安排,并没有讨论新宪法草案这一项。 1992年12月,第七次人民代表大会举行,议会通过修改旧宪法削弱总统的权力。总统认为,人 民代表大会攻击总统和政府的施政方针,来自立法权的专制也很危险。总统提出在俄罗斯举行 全民公决,以此解决总统和议会的权力纷争。在1993年4月25日举行的全面公决中,总统获胜, 之后,总统一方公布了总统版的宪法草案,并且召集“宪法会议”。此时,议会一方也提出了自己 的宪法草案。1993年7月,“宪法会议”制定出了妥协版的宪法草案,然而,这并没有平息总统和 议会的权力纷争。1993年9月,随着1400号总统令的颁布,双方的矛盾迅速激化,最终演变成 武装冲突。1993年12月12日,俄罗斯全民公决通过了宪法草案,俄罗斯1993年宪法正式产生。 尽管总统和议会在1993年宪法制定过程中存在不可调和的分歧,但是双方的宪法草案中也存在一 些共同的地方,即对“法治国”、“公民社会”理念的认同和遵循。 1993年宪法的制定过程固然曲折,但是如果将其放在俄罗斯社会转型这样一个宏大的历史环境中 去分析和考察,或许就可以明白这种曲折了。 关键词: 宪法制定 历史 政治纷争 Ю Сяохун История российской Конституции 1993 года уходит корнями в прошлое Russia’s current constitution, which was adopted and entered into force in 1993, was enacted at a special historical time.

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