
This article is devoted to the history of the tradition of translations of the Qur’an into Russian from the nineteenth century to the translation by I. Yu. Krachkovsky. The article examines the background to the creation of these translations, their key features and their importance for the development of the Russian tradition of translation and interpretation of the Qur’an. Particular attention is paid to the importance of studying these translations of the Qur’an into Russian in the context of the development of the Russian tradition of Qur’anic interpretation and the Russian school of Islamic studies. The purpose of this study is also to attract Russian and foreign Islamologists and Qur’anologists to a thorough study of the heritage of the Russian tradition of Qur’anic translation and to consider the prospects of its development in the twenty- fi rst century.


  • This article is devoted to the history of the tradition

  • The article examines the background to the creation of these translations

  • Particular attention is paid to the importance of studying these translations

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ОЧЕРК ИСТОРИИ ТРАДИЦИИ ПЕРЕВОДОВ КОРАНА НА РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК В XIX– Данная статья посвящена истории развития традиции переводов Корана на русский язык с XIX в. В. Очерк истории традиции переводов Корана на русский язык в XIX — cередине XX в.: вехи и перспективы // Ислам в современном мире.

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