
Political science is based on very old. Indeed, it can be said that the Ancient Greeks were the creators of political science: the State of Eflatun, the example of Aristotle's Policy. It was later seen that the Romans were interested in political science: Cicero's De Republica (on State) is proof of this. Throughout much of the Middle Ages, political science left the first order to God. The Florentian Machiavelli revived this science: the ruler (Il pirincipe, 1513). In France over the centuries, many writers have come up with various ideas and opinions on power and institutions: XVI. Jean Bodin in the 19th century (Les Six Livres de la Republique [Six Books of the Republic, 1576]); XVIII. Montesquieu (L'Esprit des lois, 1748) and jean-jacques Rousseau (Du Contrat social, 1762); XIX. Tocqueville (L 'Anden Regime et la Revolution [The Old Regime and Revolution, 1856]); etc. These thinkers came out as readings of the works, explanations of the inner mind, fed by personal memories, from the inside. In other words, the literary character of political science dominated. In contrast, In the 19th century, it was seen that economics, social science, public law made a breakthrough on the scientific level. As a result of this competition, a modern political consciousness was born: this modernization of the mainland, undoubtedly, It was at the end of the XIX. century. In Europe, Andre Siegfried was seen as the founder of the new politics of the Tableau des forces politiques dela France de l'Ouest (1914), but the science in question was only in Europe, but after the Second World War, I could find the floor. This was evidenced by the establishment of institut d'etudes politiques de Paris (Paris Institute of Political Studies) in France, in place of the Ecole libre des sciences politieues (Political Science Free School). However, new developments have also led to the emergence of new debates.

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