
There is a long history of palaeontological excavations at Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland) and the adjoining Monte Pravello—Monte Orsa (Italy), aimed at finding well-preserved skeletons of Middle Triassic vertebrates. The first fossils were discovered in the mid-Nineteenth Century during mining of black shales (scisti bituminosi) near Besano, Italy, with further finds in the early Twentieth Century through industrial-scale mining. Studies of the material generated international interest and prompted formal palaeontological excavations on both sides of the border. The earliest excavations took place in 1863 and 1878, with the most extensive between 1924 and 1968. Systematic excavations have continued up to the present day, focusing on six distinct fossiliferous horizons: the Besano Formation and the overlying Meride Limestone with the Cava inferiore, Cava superiore, Cassina, Sceltrich and Kalkschieferzone beds. All these have provided material for study and display, with Monte San Giorgio itself recently designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The workers and organisations involved, locations excavated and material recovered are described herein.

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