
The history of Turkish psychology, the cultural changes, and the rise of psychoanalysis have accompanied the development of Rorschach in Turkey. Yani Anastasiadis, the Turkish Rorschach pioneer, perceived Rorschach as “the radiography of human spirit.” So the history of the Rorschach begins in 1943, and it became widely utilized in hospitals and clinical settings. Although in the 1950s statistical evaluation ruled, Anastasiadis continued his research and presented several articles at conferences and published many written articles. Today other approaches such as Exner’s Comprehensive System and the currently used psychoanalytically oriented Rorschach, highly influenced by French schools, have emerged. The psychoanalytically oriented Rorschach system and the development of psychoanalysis in Turkey in general occurred at the same time, which is not a coincidence. The spread of psychoanalysis as well as the Rorschach test has been helped by a number of associations. The Society of Rorschach and Projective Tests was formed in 2003. Today, there are standardized Turkish norms of adults and adolescents, and several books have been published.

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